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We're here to help

We are deeply committed to being open-source. That means openly helping each other in improving Lexical. We’ve listed some Lexical-related communities that you should check out.


Want to add a new feature or get a bug fixed? Create a pull request or raise an issue.

Stack Overflow

Having trouble using Lexical? Just shoot us a question.


Let's discuss upcoming features and plans together.


Lexical development is led by small team at Meta. It also receives contributions from people all over the world. Here are just a few members.

See the rest of the contributors on Github.

How to contribute

Before participating in React's communities, please read our Code of Conduct. We have adopted the Contributor Covenant and we expect that all community members adhere to the contributing guidelines.

Once you've read over those, we invite you to join us on the Lexical Github repo.